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Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is about helping your body function optimally. Acupuncture helps stimulate the nervous system and relax the body.

Through the insertion of hair thin sterilised disposable needles, acupuncture stimulates specific points on the skin, these points correspond with different internal organs and bodily function. It is used to reduce pain, remedy acute and chronic conditions, strengthen the immune system and reduce stress and tensions. All while bringing the body into a state of natural balance.

The customised treatment will begin with an initial consultation to address your health needs including the diagnosis of tongue and pulse.


Great for: Dull & Tired Looking Skin, Puffiness

Improves:  Brightness & Elasticity 

Cosmetic acupuncture is a great natural way for women to rejuvenate their skin. Facial acupuncture helps boost blood circulation in the face leaving an overall plumped and brighter complexion as well as softening the appearance of expression lines. The treatment leaves you feeling refreshed and with a healthy look. 

The treatment works by bringing more blood circulation and nutrients into spots of the face. When a person has wrinkles they will tend to have 2 furrows that come up and so the wrinkle is right in the middle. When a needle is inserted into the middle of the furrow we are actually targeting the body to produce more collagen naturally within that wrinkle. The collagen will eventually fill up the furrow and smooth out the wrinkle. 

This treatment is great for balancing face symmetry, reducing inflammation, lifting the face and giving an overall glow. 

Not only will needles go on the face, they will also be inserted around the body. This is to help balance the body by avoiding too much energy being pushed towards the face. It will effectively relax the body and decrease stress as well as build up the immune system. 



Consultation and treatment: £90 (60 minutes)